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  • hog pre-starter mini


    Crude Protein : 19.5% NLT
    Crude Fat : 4.0% NLT
    Crude Fiber : 4.0% NMT
    Moisture : 12.0% NM
    Calcium : 0.85 - 0.95%... more info on hog pre-starter mini

  • orange


    Crude Protein : 10.0% NLT
    Crude Fat : 2.5% NLT
    Crude Fiber : 10.0% NMT
    Moisture : 12.0% NMT... more info on orange

  • violet


    Crude Protein : 10.0% NLT
    Crude Fat : 2.5% NLT
    Crude Fiber : 10.0% NMT
    Moisture : 12.0% NMT... more info on violet

  • blue   w/ pellet


    Crude Protein : 10.0% NLT
    Crude Fat : 2.5% NLT
    Crude Fiber : 10.0% NMT
    Moisture : 12.0% NM... more info on blue   w/ pellet

  • Crude Protein : 14.0% NLT
    Crude Fat : 3.0% NLT
    Crude Fiber : 7.0% NMT
    Moisture : 12.0% NM
    Calcium : 0.70 - 0.80%
    Phosphorus : 0.70%... more info on hog finisher


... In Our Company

The Company gives a high premium on its people... a genuine concern for its employees. This is what sets it apart.

And this is manifested in the company's kind of working and recreational environment and employment benefits that the work force are accorded. Thus it comes as no surprise that the company enjoys a high employee retention rate.

The company strives to be instrumental in the realization of the full potential of its employees that would help pave the path in the upliftment of the quality of their life.